Rates & Services

  • Therapeutic Massage

    Targeting specific areas to help relieve tension where you are feeling pain. Usually a full body massage with focus where you need it.

    If you have certain pains you're trying to find relief from such as hip or shoulder pain then therapeutic massage may be the right choice for you.

  • Relaxation Massage

    Long, slow, flowing strokes encourage your body to relax and gently let go of the stresses of the day.

    If you just want to relax and not focus on anything in particular then relaxation massage might be the right choice for you.

  • Hot Stone Massage

    The heat from the stones penetrate deeper into muscle tissue to relax muscles and relieve pain in a gentle yet effective manner.

    If you like a warm touch and a gentle, soothing, deeply relaxing massage then hot stones may be the right choice for you. If you'd like to try it out, a combination of stones and hands on might be just the thing to introduce you.

  • Thai Massage

    Can be done on a table or on a mat while fully clothed in flowing, comfortable fabric. It may involve stretching, rocking, and working along energetic lines. Mat work may also include more intense stretches and more pressure with the use of full body weight as necessary.

    If you would like to move more freely and easily with better range of motion or you just aren't comfortable getting undressed Thai massage may be the right choice for you.

  • Pricing:

    60 Minutes - $125

    75 Minutes - $155

    90 Minutes - $185

    120 Minutes - $250

Our bodies communicate to us clearly and specifically, if we are willing to listen to them.

— Shakti Gawain


Calm the mind and travel into deeper states of consciousness to unlock your own healing from within. If you have a physical or emotional pain that you can't explain and it won't go away then consider Hypnotherapy.

Initial Consultation

Free consultation to get familiar with each other and decide what will be the best fit for you. Call, text, or e-mail to schedule consultation.

Custom Therapy

Blending of techniques designed with your specific needs in mind.

$250 per session - includes recording

BodyMind Bridge

BodyMind Bridge works specifically to tap into subconscious thought and heal physical pain by letting go of past trauma. May take 1-3 hours. Be prepared to relax and reflect afterwards.

$250 per session

Coming Soon!

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Timeline Therapy

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT)